Immigration News

Immigration News
1. The Immigration Control Act was partially amended.
People with permanent residency (F-5) were able to work freely in Korea without extending or examining their visa.
Now, however, a person who receives permanent residency must be extended by examination every 10 years.
Anyone who has lived in Korea for more than 10 years as a permanent resident must undergo an extension review within two years.
If you have a permanent resident visa but have not been 10 years, you will have to undergo an extension review within 2 years from the 10th year.
A fine of 2,000,000 won will be fined if you do not undergo an extension review.
2. Held a conference on alien rights (Feb.,26, 2018 Justice Department)
A meeting on foreign human rights was held under the host of Minister of Justice.
If you are a married immigrant, your child will only be able to receive support for up to 5 years of age by inviting your parents.
However, there were many suggestions that you can take care of your child with your parents until elementary school. So we suggested a plan to expand the age of 6 or 7.
The Justice Department said they would review it. It may not be done right away, but it seems that there is a possibility that the system will change next time.


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