Criterion for Excellent Enterprise for employment(고용우수기업 심사표)

Criterion for Excellent Enterprise for employment(고용우수기업 심사표)
There are many traps in the criterion list announced on 21,Feb,such as calculation methods etc.
In fact, GMK got this criterion chart on 12,January.
We have researched and applied 5 companies with high potentials that our clients are working for.
We thought many people could understood this standards chart.
As a result of that we applied and submitted, we found out that many things that are not mentioned in the criterion chart should be considered.
Actually, each of company managers calculated 100% wrong.
After five attemptions, we learned a lot of know-how and got precise standards from immigration offices required.
If you want to apply for this system, please check as the following contents then contact GMK if all of them are applicable.
1. My point is over 52 points
2. The number of Korean employees have been increased more than 10% compared to last year.
3. Your company has more than 10 korean workers.
4. Your company is very positive in changing your visa
Important thing is that this system was came into effect in 2018 first.
Most of staff in immgration offices don't know this system well and they have not experienced carrying out this system.
For that reason, they rejected our application even if the documents are well prepared. It was that because each staffs understood differently.
This is the hard part for the foreigners who want to apply for the system.
If your expired date is later, it is better to use a normal quota.
Those who are qualified but don't have time are good using this system.
GMK will always do our best for you.


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Thông báo về tuyển sinh khóa học Người Mậu dịch Thương mại Đa văn hóa KOTRA lần thứ 11

2018 E7-4 Application Guide (Important) Achieve 100% success rate of E7-4