Regarding applying for E7-4 in 2 quater

Regarding applying for E7-4 in 2 quater
Many people were so confused about the standards of application in the first quater that we were worried that the method of application would be changed again.
So we checked with the immigration office about application of 2 Q starting 2,April .
We expect that they will receive applications 2 and 3, April in 2Q.
100 people will be chosen from 2, april to 3, april. However if more than 100 people are accepted their applications, they will select 100people by their priority.
The other people will be dropped out from the applying of 2 quater.
That's why no one can tell that a successful 100% visa change will succeed even if your application is accepted.
But this is not yet determined fully and they are thinking of a better way.
If more than 100 people are accepted, there will be various priorities. Let we anticipate priorities.
- Those with a expired date of visa soon
- High scorer
- Professionals
- Workers who have been in province long-term.
It is expected that these things will be applied.
In November and December of last year, we anticipated and confirmed various things through information only GMK had.
They were all carried out as expected by GMK.
Applying quarterly = Hit
Selecting the number of people = Hit
Only 1 person can apply regardless korean workers= Hit
Not accept foreigners with a criminal record = Hit
GMK is going to start preparing documents for the application of 2Q from next week.
For the people who have a plan to apply in 2Q, It is time to complete preparing salary status and notarization documents on education perfectly now.
We will make thorough preparations based on quick information and experience and will make every effort to change the visa of all our clients.
We wish you all the best of luck for your E7-4 preparation.


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2018 E7-4 Application Guide (Important) Achieve 100% success rate of E7-4