Announcement of KOTRA 11th Multicultural Traders

Announcement of KOTRA 11th Multicultural Traders
KOTRA provides training for multicultural traders. Those who have completed the training benefit from working in trade or doing business.
For reference, KOTRA is a national organization that helps Korean companies to trade with foreign countries.
Recruitment of multicultural traders
- Educational Target: married immigrants, migrant children, international students, etc.
- Eligibility: High school graduation required, Topic level4 or KIIP level 4 or higher
- Documents to submit: Application form, self-introduction letter, personal information agreement, academic record and documentary evidence on foreign language.
- Submission Deadline: Submit until 9, March, 2018 to
- Training Dates: 18. 3 .28 ~ 4. 1
- Training time: 5 days training, from 9 to18.
- Content of training: Understanding of trade, related regulations of trade, trade term, etc.
- Place of Education: Kotra headquarters (서울 서초구 헌릉로 13)
- Selection method: 1st- document evaluating, 2nd interview.
- Contact person of Kotra: Kim Seo-hyang (02 3460 7524)
- Benefits.
1. Certificate of Completion.
2. Opportunity to participate as an interpreter and a staff at Kotra's exhibition
3. Provide job interview individually.
4. Get 10 bonus points when you get your D9 visa.
5. when get a job , Support government grant for relevant person.
* Not available if you have a criminal background or a problem in status of sojourn.
Trade is also a good place to work for foreigners.
If you build up your career in trade, it will be good for you.
Please note that E9 visa holder is no able to apply.


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Thông báo về tuyển sinh khóa học Người Mậu dịch Thương mại Đa văn hóa KOTRA lần thứ 11

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