Important E7-4 related news for 2018

Hello this is immgration attoney Hans. 
We heared the current plan about 2018 E7-4 from staff of the immigration headquarters.
However, this content should also be confirmed through consultation with relevant departments starting in November. 
We will inform you in advance that it is not finalized.
Plan to change in 2018 (unconfirmed)
1. Exclude criminal background
Last year, the quota was terminated early because the number of applicants qualified as a result of the application.
Because immigration judges that many people are qualified to apply
There is no reason to change anyone with a criminal history.
Even if someone who has criminal record can apply in 2017, If they has enough points...
It seems to be impossible in 2018
2. Quarter 500 scheduled for 2018 (not confirmed)
In 2017, 600 people have been granted the E7 qualification.
It is expected to be around 500people in 2018
However, the final quota is not set by the immigration office.
In November, They'll make a final decision in consultation with the Ministry of Labor,the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Energy, and the Small and Medium Business Administration in November
It will be finally decided.
But at the present time, immigration considering about 500 people.


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2018 E7-4 Application Guide (Important) Achieve 100% success rate of E7-4