Delying of E7-4 visa changing due to long vacaion of Chuseok holidays

Delying of E7-4 visa changing due to long vacaion of Chuseok holidays

There is Chuseok in October.
Most companies are on vacation for 6 to 10 days.
Many of the preparation documents for E7-4 are related to the company.
If you have a plan about applying for E7-4 in October,
your time table will be delayed due to long vacation.
If you start the preparations for documents of E74 application in October, there may be a disruption in your plan.
Those who want to apply E7-4visa in October,
Please take GMK visa consultaton now and get ready.
If you want to get a consultation for applying for E7-4
Please contact us as soon as possible.
and also Please informed that the GMK VISA KOREA will be closed on the following date in October.
2-7 OCTOBER (Monday to Thursday) - CHUSEOK

#CHUSEOK #longvacationinkorea #E74 #E9worekr #E9 #EPS


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2018 E7-4 Application Guide (Important) Achieve 100% success rate of E7-4