Congratulations.~~!!# 5 Successful change of E7-4 visa at E9

# 5 Successful change of E7-4 visa at E9
Filipino client A, who works in the countryside of Gangwon province, was a very pure and sincere employee when I met him.
Many his co-workers of the company were all supporting his visa changes.
And Good results....
GMK learns a lot from the process and results every time and accumulates know-how.
GMK will always do our best for you.
Congratulations again.
#E9worekr #E74visa #E9 #E74 #E7 #EPS #GMKVISAKOREA


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Thông báo về tuyển sinh khóa học Người Mậu dịch Thương mại Đa văn hóa KOTRA lần thứ 11

2018 E7-4 Application Guide (Important) Achieve 100% success rate of E7-4