Important tips and GMK opinions about the E7-4visa

Important tips and GMK opinions about the E7-4visa

Hello This is director HANS in GMK VISA KOREA.
After the E7-4 visa was rel, it was really explosive to E9workers.
It's been one week since the immigration accepts application. We applied the first case on August 1st and also applied four cases this week.
Today, I will talk about some things that I felt while consulting and appying to E7-4visa.
1. There are a lot qualified E9workers than before.
many E9worker were able to qualify even if they had only about six months to prepare.
The system of the present point system can compensate the lack of oneself by other parts.
I think many E9worker will be able to qualify for a visa change if they make a plan and prepare well.
2. How quickly applied is the key.
As many qualified people are there, it is likely that the limit of 300 people will soon be achieved and end sooner. because, it is first come first served.
We will select 300 people for 17, 18, and 19 years, so it is best to arrange the documents as soon as possible and get them as early as possible.
2017 years is August
next application will be on January 18
next application will be on January 19
In this way, It is good to apply in the month when reception starts.
Of course you can apply to on February or March. But first-come-first-served
I think that it is better to accept it at the earliest time than to spare it.
3. Get notarization of your degree in advance
Now we are working with some E9worekrs who qualifies to applying E7-4visa,
The most time-consuming thing is the high school diploma or Bachelor degree in your home country. You need to obtain a diploma from the Korean embassy in your home country.
In short, there are countries that take one week and three months long. It takes at least two weeks to complete the sending and receiving time.
However, the documents we need to prepare in Korea do not take so long.
Most of the situations that can be supported immediately if the documents of the home country are completed.
So, if you plan to apply for a visa change this year or 2018 or 2019, you should get notarazation of your diploma or bacheclor degree in your home country.
It would be great.
4. Certificate of income amount(소득금액증명원) issued
A certificate of income amount is requested from the immigration office as proof of the salary. If you receive a GMK visa consultation with a certificate of income, you will be able to check your points more accurately.
**How to get a certificate of income amount(소득금액증명원)**
A. after logging in from Internet Home Tax and pront it.
B. go to the nearest tax office directly and recieve it.
C. go to the local resident center(주민센터) to apply for a fax application(팩스민원) and recieve it. It will be processed within 30 minutes ~ 1 hour as soon as possible. If you live in area whithout the tax office, it is also possible to request a fax application(팩스민원) to the nearest resident center.
As we proceed with the consultation, some E9workers got hope and some E9workers are disappointed... Preparing in advance is the most important thing.
and also It is very important to know and be prepared correctly.
I hope everyone is prepared well and get a good result.


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2018 E7-4 Application Guide (Important) Achieve 100% success rate of E7-4