Congratulations !!

Congratulations !!
Successful change of visa from E9 to E7-4 #2.
13days after application, our client received the ARC(Alien Resident Card).
GMK successfully changed to E7-4 for Vietnamese client A on August 17th.
After 13 days he received the ARC of E7....
It came out very quickly in only 13 days and this is the first time that how fastly.
At the time of receipt, I have received praise from the immigration official for having well-prepared the documents.
The public officer was very satisfied and seemed to handle it very quickly.
GMK has a complete confidence in the E7-4 visa.
We have a lot of information that we get from immigration officers
Advice gives me confidence.
As for documents, I have a perfect day for each situation.
And also we can call to him as skilled worker not a unskillled worker.
A successful Vietnamese client A has already asked us to invite his family.
We will do our best to make a happy family in Korea.
Congratulations again.


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Thông báo về tuyển sinh khóa học Người Mậu dịch Thương mại Đa văn hóa KOTRA lần thứ 11

2018 E7-4 Application Guide (Important) Achieve 100% success rate of E7-4