
Successful change of visa from E9 to E7-4
On 4th August, GMK applied E7-4 visa for the first time.
We received an E7 qualification's ARC (Alien Resident Card) after 25 days.
We have prepared enough documents but the immigration requested additional documents. So, we have visited Suwn Immigration Office 3 more times and submitted supplementary documents.
During I visit each immgration offices, It seems that the regulation for the E7-4 has not yet been clarified internally for the immigration authorities.
GMK prepares documents by collecting all the new contents that we found at each immigration office. now we apply E7-4 completely successful at once.
There is no requests for additional documents.
Once we apply E7-4visa, we get information from each immigration office and save the know-how.
This is something that can only be learned by experience, which is not taught elsewhere.
Based on this know-how, GMK will provide the perfect service for the change to E7-4visa.
#E9 #E7-4 #e74 #immigratonoffice #EPSsystem #eps
#congratulations #visachanging #e9toE7


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Thông báo về tuyển sinh khóa học Người Mậu dịch Thương mại Đa văn hóa KOTRA lần thứ 11

2018 E7-4 Application Guide (Important) Achieve 100% success rate of E7-4